+49 (0) 241 912 828 42

Mixers for the chemical industry
Gentle mixing of chemical products
The spectrum of the respective business areas could not be more different, but they all have one thing in common: the highest precision in the manufacture of their products. This includes reproducible quality standards and clean manufacturing processes to avoid cross-contamination.
With our mixers, we are happy to support you for optimal results.
Advantages of our mixers
Gentle mixing process for your products
No energy input from rotating shafts and agitators
Ideal for sensitive mixes
Very good results with short mixing cycles
Easy cleaning:
Mixing container contains no dead spaces and angles
Due to the process, no rotating parts are installed on the inside of the container
The mixing container is made of stainless steel and can be polished on the inside
As a result, the surface has no germ adhesion capacity and reduces cross-contamination
For the best possible reproducible quality standard, you can expand all of our mixers according to your needs. Regardless of whether it is a PLC control or additional injection options. We customize our systems for you.

GSI - Gesellschaft für Systementwicklung und Instrumentierung mbH
Liebigstraße 26
52070 Aachen
Industry sectors
+49 (0) 241 912 828 42